Sedation Dentistry
If you have missing teeth for whatever reason, you may have heard that dental implants are the best solution because they prevent the natural misalignment of other teeth and erosion of the jaw, just like actual teeth. They can also last forever with proper care, unlike the alternatives (bridges and dentures).
But you may be concerned about what you think could be pain involved when biocompatible screws are inserted into the jaw to anchor the replacement tooth or crown, which is made of dental porcelain. There are, however, many ways to make this painless when done by the experienced dentists at Wilshire Smile Studio.
The most common anesthetic is a local injection, which is preceded by a topic numbing, so you only feel a pinprick before any procedure.
Some patients like to also breathe nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas) in advance because it produces relaxation.
Wilshire Smile Studio Makes Sure Dental Implants Are Painless
For those who want oral sedation, there are mild and strong versions of benzodiazepine in pill form, which reduces the fear and anxiety centers of the brain and results in relaxation that may even allow the patient to fall asleep. In either form, this does require having someone drive you home afterwards.
We also make available an I.V. (intravenous) drip, which will put you to sleep during any surgery, if that is your preference. This is commonly and safely used for complex extractions, multiple implants, and bone grafts to strengthen jaws that do not have adequate bone before an implant can done.
When you discuss plans for your dental implants with your dentist, explore what the best options are for you to have a pain-free and anxiety-free experience.
Wilshire Smile Studio Makes Sure Dental Implants Are Painless
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